Summer Robotics (Ages 7 - 14) (1)
Thu, Sep 05
Inspired by the Mars Rovers Opportunity and Spirit our challenge this summer is to learn more about our communities atmosphere.

Time & Location
Sep 05, 2019, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
CodeForce, 5 West Washington Street, Oswego, IL, USA
About The Event
Back in 2004, the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, landed on Mars with a 90-day mission. Both operated well past those 90 days, though they are no longer operational, they have provided us with a wealth of information about Mars.
Scientists have used this information to conclude two previously unknown facts:
- Long ago Mars was much wetter than it is now
- Mars could have sustained microbial life.
Missions Scientific Goal and what they found
Their Scientific Goal was to search for, and investigate, a wide range of rocks and soil to detect clues to past water activity on Mars
What they found was amazing.
- Water and Salt Water both previously existed .
- There once existed a climate that could have supported life .
- They found an Ancient Volcano !
Read more here:
Our Challenge
Inspired by Opportunity and Spirit, we will build a rover that will capture sensory data about our community.
Working in teams, the kids will build and code a robot that will:
- Collect and store
- GPS Data (Where in our community was the robot located when we took readings)
- Atmospheric Data such as Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure.
The Rover Challenge
- Building a robot like the Mars rover that will run in an outdoor environment.
- Understand how to use the Sensory devices.
- Build an external power source.
- Use coding to manage our sensors to that our bots run independently - without a controller.
- Attach sensory devices and start collecting data.
- Transmit data back to central DB.
The Sharing Challenge
- Create centralized DB
- Create website to display data.
- Present what we have learned and accomplished to an audience.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding the connection between coding and robotics.
- What databases are and how they are used in coding and making.
- How data can be displayed in interesting and fun ways.
- The importance of sharing scientific data within the community.
We will meet every Saturday from 10 am to 12PM at the Church of the Good Shepherd.
Note: We will not meet Saturday, July 27th.
One Student
$199.00Sale endedEach Additional Sibling
Register a second family member and get 25.00 off of the second registration.
$174.00Sale endedPi Accessories
$8.00Sale ended