If you or your kiddo has ever gotten this dreaded error when you try and join a server you know the frustration that follows. Typically this means that your client (the Minecraft App on your computer) needs to be updated. This bog post will walk you through the proper steps.
To determine what version of Minecraft that you are currently running, simply open Minecraft and let it load the main page. You will see the version in the bottom right corner of the screen, as seen below. Notice the version below is v1.14.30

Close Minecraft and open the Windows Store. It is the App that has the icon that looks like a grocery bag with the Windows logo on it. When you open the store follow these steps:

1. Up in the top right hand corner of the app, you will see a search bar, your avatar, a download button (Down arrow - see Red Arrow, Top Right. Press this button.
2. This will open the downloads and updates pages.
3. You should see Minecraft for Windows 10 in the Available Updates section.
4. Click the download button (Circle on the right) and the update will begin. You will see Minecraft has moved to the In the download queue section

5. After the download is complete, you can now relaunch Minecraft.
6. Verify that the new version has been installed by checking the bottom right side of the screen.

Note that the new version is now v1.14.60.
Try connecting to the server again and you should be modding in no time!